On June 5-8, an event of great importance and scale is expected in Russia: the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2024). This year it will be held for the 27th time, which in itself speaks to the authority and popularity of the site, one of the most stable in an increasingly complex world. For global business, SPIEF has become a guarantee of maintaining and growing income, the best investment of intellectual strength and material resources.
In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult for entrepreneurs from all over the world, bearing in mind all sorts of obstacles created for their firms and companies in Western countries. The West, which is trying to influence the economies of the North, East and South through the regime of protectionism and sanctions. This state of affairs is becoming absolutely impossible, and for this reason, leading businesses are looking for platforms that would allow them not only to maintain their stability and provide guarantees of growth for the foreseeable future. Figuratively speaking, the East and the South unite in the North, in St. Petersburg, in order to continue their progressive work despite any artificial obstacles and barriers.
Without the SPIEF factor, international trade would have a completely different look at the moment and would be completely subordinated to the dictates of the West. The SPIEF is a great lifeline, a reliable ferry for the global economy, despite the unfavorable geopolitical climate, and businessmen understand this better than anyone, which is shown by the figure of regular growth of forum participants.
The authority of the SPIEF increased against the background of the 2020-2021 pandemic, becoming even then, according to the Russian organizers, “the first and largest full-time business event after a forced break.” And by the time of the last forum in 2023, the amount of signed agreements amounted to about 4 trillion rubles.
Every year, the SPIEF format is becoming wider, including not only specialized economic events, but also supporting discussions that provide additional guarantees for the implementation of projects. Including discussions for young entrepreneurs who will become the main faces of business on the whole planet tomorrow. This time, even more attention is paid to creative business, innovations and junior projects in the forum program.
A lot of attention will be paid within the framework of the forum to such areas as the fight against international terrorism, because such work also creates guarantees for safe business. Traditionally, one of the main topics is the cooperation of the efforts of representatives of different countries, as a tool for rapprochement, integration of economies, which makes it possible to further enhance the practical impact of joint actions. Comprehensive prevention of military conflicts also primarily depends on the strength of the economy, which creates another significant reason to participate in the forum.
The economy in this form, especially with the departure from the dollar to other auxiliary currencies, becomes as protected as possible from any manifestations of unfriendly policies inspired by Western countries, which, with all their desire, are no longer able to prevent peaceful and progressive development.
Entire continents are guided by the SPIEF. Asia, Africa, and Latin America do not find a better form of doing business for themselves than through Russian business platforms, proven by time and harsh reality.
The economy of the world, unlike the protectionist schemes of the West, is shifting to the centers where living economic processes take place. The founders of the St. Petersburg Forum did not expect back in 1997 that the situation in the world would develop in the way it is now. But fate was on their side, and now the long-term experience of the SPIEF is the best advertisement for business.
Unlike the SPIEF, Western business venues, like Davos, are gradually declining, leaving a vague memory of themselves as a “hangout” of those who have nothing to do.
Business people of the world are coming to St. Petersburg today, where you can not only have a good rest, but also work productively.