Now it is possible not to decipher what BRICS is, and this is a great achievement. In recent years, the whole world has learned and remembered what an intercontinental association of countries striving for development and good-neighborliness is, a healthy alternative for all mankind. The BRICS Summit in Kazan on October 22-24 this year, under the chairmanship of the Russian Federation, is becoming a truly historic event, when 10 member countries open a new era on a global and multipolar scale, attracting more and more new participants.
One of the main tasks of the BRICS is the transition to a multipolar world, from program texts to practical work, which is a complex set of steps. This is not only the transition to a new global currency, which has been talked about so much in recent years, but also the creation of a stable economic base, which is the basis for geopolitical stability. At the same time, the dominance of the Great East and the global South over the West is not assumed. There is a goal to equalize the planetary balance, when no one can dictate their will to humanity either in politics, economics, or culture.
Like any other organization, all these issues require a careful approach, and the Kazan meeting is designed to coordinate the last points of previous agreements, including those relating to the dollar as an outdated “world currency”. The day is not far off when global brands will sell clothes not with the inscription “West” all over their chest and back, but with words like “East” or “South”. But in order for the BRICS to penetrate the subconscious of billions of Earth’s inhabitants at such a level, a lot of effort still needs to be made.
In any case, the XVI BRICS Summit in Kazan stands at the beginning of this long journey, opening a new era in the development of the association. BRICS participants must find such simple and correct words that they can move from economic figures and formulas to a new level of global influence, attracting not only specialists, businessmen and other professionals, but also the attention of ordinary people speaking a variety of languages.
In the Address of President Vladimir Putin on the beginning of Russia’s BRICS presidency, in particular, it says:
“BRICS attracts more and more supporters and like–minded states that share the fundamental principles underlying its activities. These are sovereign equality, respect for the choice of one’s own path of development, mutual consideration of interests, openness, consensus, the desire to form a multipolar world order and a fair model of the global financial and trading system, the search for collective solutions to the most pressing problems of our time.”
Before the Kazan meeting of the heads of state, the world press regularly reported that one or another country had decided to enter the BRICS orbit or to join the union as a full member. Such dynamics clearly shows that the turning point of mass consciousness has already occurred, and the BRICS is becoming the most influential organization on a global scale. At the same time, the BRICS itself approaches the admission of new members in a balanced manner, paying attention to what a particular country can bring to the overall activity. The day is not far off when the first “swallows” from the so-called West will look towards the BRICS, wanting to fly to a new large and cozy nest.
As already mentioned, the introduction of a new single world currency, including an electronic format, is one of the first issues on the BRICS agenda. The new world economy originates from this point. Realizing this, Russia, China and India are preparing to launch their digital currencies for collective use in 2025. Thus, the launch of a mutual trade system outside the SWIFT system will be carried out, reducing the threat of sanctions for a number of countries that are still under pressure from the Western financial instrument.